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Snakes and ladder

It is a popular game for children.


Two to maximum six people may play. Each player throws the dice .The player who has the highest number starts the game by throwing the dice and moving his /hr counter, starting at space 1,according to the number shown on the dice.


If a player scores six , he/she throws the dice again.

If a counter stops on the head of a snake the player must slid the counter down the snake until it gets to the tail, then carries on from that point. If a counter lands at the foot of the ladder the player moves it to the top and carries on from there.

If a player lands on a square at the bottom of a ladder ,they must read out the messages written on the square .The players should discuss about the messages, message describing a good lifestyle or nutrition practice .

The first player to reach sk lean is the winner.

The player who wins must remember to practice the good messages to stay healthy .



Foodle do

Follow the instructions while playing with the dice.Easy board game .Name the food in the space you land on or answer a simple food question. It is excellent for working on your class' Speaking and Reading skills. It centers around the vocabulary topic of Food. For kids 1year to 6 years. Fun to play with a huge group of students.


Minion alphabetic cards

At this time when childhood obesity is epidemic, and what used to be “adult onset” diabetes is occurring with increasing frequency in children under age 10, our kids need regular physical activity more than ever. But pressures on schools - in part related to the federal No Child Left Behind legislation - are causing reductions, not increases, in daily physical activity. In other words, No Child Left Behind is leaving more and more of our kids ON their behinds, all day long! Physical activity is vital for children’s health. It is also vital for their attentiveness and concentration


Other variations of this activity include:

  • Hiding the cards around the room and having the kiddos find them
  • Trying to do the actions in order, from A to Z and then Z to A
  • Having the kids spell their names with the cards and then complete the actions for their name
  • Spelling our last name and then completing the actions together as a family ‘routine’ (just kidding. . . but not really)
  • giving the kids 3-5 cards and then allowing them to pick an action, demonstrate that action, and then we could guess what letter they had.