Our Products

Recipe Book

Immunity Powder

Digestive Churan

Protein Punch Powder

Sattu Powder

Health Munchies

Snakes And Ladders

Foodle Do


Wellness ladders

Minion Card Games

Fitness Dice Card Game

Behind every successful story there is an idea, thought or inspiration.

Belief was my inspiration which build my career as a Nutritionist, Naturopath and Lifestylist.

My Belief “When Diet is Wrong, Medicine is of no use & when Diet is Correct, Medicine is of no need”, is the essence of my brio. Following my belief and being a daughter of Cardiac patients


SK Lean Philosophy

Holistic Nutrition

Holistic Nutrition

Is all about eating the right quality and quantity of food at correct intervals

Holistic Nutrition

Lifestyle Medicine

Helps your body to heal naturally with minimal side effects of modern medicine

Holistic Nutrition

Disease Prevention

Is possible through boosting your immunity by following simple steps